"I did the Blasphemy Challenge.  Was it an
unforgivable sin?" - Sarah


CatholicView Priest Staff:

I did the Blasphemy Challenge years ago and regret it now that I'm re-discovering faith. Was it an unforgivable sin? .  - Sarah



Sadly, people are taking the Blasphemy Challenge and placing their proclamation of unbelief in God on social media, such as You Tube.  To our readers who have never heard of this Blasphemy Challenge, the idea is that one proclaims their unbelief in God and states at the end of their social media video the following line:  "I deny the Holy Spirit."  Supposedly, the makers of the Blasphemy Challenge will then send you a book about "rational thinking" and congratulate you on making a truly "rational" choice.  There have always been people who do not believe in God (or any deity for that matter).  That is their choice.  But as you have stated, you are re-discovering your faith in God and re-establishing your relationship with Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  The only unforgivable sin described in all of scripture is the "sin against the Holy Spirit." (Please see the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 3, Verse 29.)  

Previously, I have stated that the "sin against the Holy Spirit" is a life-long decision not to accept God's forgiveness of sin and His gift of salvation.  The "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" is not a ONE TIME decision.  It is a life-long decision

There are those who will never accept God's love, God's direction, God's forgiveness, and God's personal salvation through Jesus Christ.  Those are the ones who are guilty of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit."  And God, never forcing Himself on anyone, allows their free will to send themselves to a place of complete separation from Him, a place called hell (let's get this straight:  people send themselves to hell by their free choice, not God).  As for you, the fact that you are now re-discovering your faith in God means that you are not closing yourself to the prompting of the Holy Spirit (therefore, you are not committing the sin against the Holy Spirit).  Your act in the Blasphemy Challenge is a serious one and does involve an latae sententiae excommunication (meaning automatic excommunication) from the Church because you chose to excommunicate yourself from the Catholic Church by such an act.  So, to renew your faith and repair your broken relationship with the Church, you will need to participate in the Sacrament of Penance (confession) and begin again.  Get on your knees, open your heart, and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and accept His forgiveness of your sins.  You will once again be on the road to salvation, freely given by the God of Love.  Accepting Jesus as Lord and believing in God is the only "rational" choice any human being can do!  - CatholicView Priest Staff         

"I struggle with horrible thoughts.  Please help?
- Jimmy


I struggle with horrible thoughts. I do not go to confession because I do not know how to put my thoughts into words. My thoughts are often sexual in nature but they are not natural. In thought, I am what society would call a "sexual deviant". I want to love and serve God, but in my thoughts I am a monster. I have never acted on these thoughts, but to just have them is an abomination. I am sick. I have seen a therapist, but it does not make the thoughts go away. Maybe I am under demonic attack? I know God loves me, but he does not silence my thoughts, why? Please help! Thank you. - Jimmy



Being human is not easy sometimes.  Most people I know struggle with all kinds of intrusive thoughts that can be disturbing and upsetting.  You have had to battle these kinds of thoughts.  Let me make it quite clear:  intrusive thoughts that you have described ARE NOT sinful.  Thoughts are just thoughts.  Sin is action.  But many times, thoughts can be the basis of actions.  You have mentioned that you have never acted on your intrusive thoughts.  You have an immensely powerful faith in God, and I praise God for that!  But I also know that we are all weak enough to have such intrusive thoughts impel us to act in a sinful way that will destroy everything around us.  So, when you have intrusive thoughts as you have described, immediately take them to the Lord in prayer.  Do not be ashamed to present them to God who will change them by the Holy Spirit Who can make all things possible.  When I have intrusive thoughts, I say a prayer like this:

"Lord Jesus, help me. I am having these intrusive thoughts that I cannot control on my own.  Please send me your Holy Spirit to strengthen me and protect me from these thoughts that I give to you now.  Father, in Jesus' Name, send me your Holy Spirit and take these thoughts into your Healing Hands.  Amen."

You will find that fighting these intrusive thoughts negatively will only make these thoughts more powerful.  The more you fight them, the more these thoughts will take over your mind.  That's why I am not suggesting that you MAKE yourself upset by hitting yourself in the head and getting angry at the thoughts.  This will not help.  The positive approach of prayer and offering these thoughts to God will change them by God's healing power.  The more negative you are in dealing with these intrusive thoughts, the more the door of your soul closes to God's grace.  Notice that the prayer above does not say anything negative.  It is a positive prayer of submission to God and His healing power.  During the day, when these thoughts occur and bother you, simply say, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, PEACE.  Repeat it until your mind calms down.

Please do not despair.  You are not alone in your intrusive thoughts.  Know that God walks with you in your burdens and wants you to be at peace.  Intrusive thoughts are to be given to God totally.  Don't keep them.  And you will be safe.   -- CatholicView Priest Staff

"Am I right not to eat "Halal Foods? - Jorden

CatholicView Priest Staff:

Hello Father, I am struggling with the 'halal' factor of food in UK restaurants, it is very common here, since being informed of the prayer involved in the 'halal' process it has not passed my lips for almost 2 years now.
Would you knowingly eat food blessed/sacrificed to the Islamic deity & prophet knowing they do not believe Christ is the Son of God? & am I right to not eat it on account of my Love for Christ & God? - Jorden



I must say that you are mistaken in your misguided opinion about "Halal" foods.  There is something that Christians, Jews, and Muslims have in common:  we all believe in ONE God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The Muslims pray to the SAME God as Christians do and Jews do.  Now, how we define that God is what makes us different in the basic belief in one God.  Christians define God as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Christians see God as a Trinity).  The Muslims and Jews define God simply as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (and not as a Trinity.)  The Jewish faith and the Muslim faith do NOT accept Jesus as Lord, Savior, and Messiah, therefore do not see Jesus as the Son of God, the second person of the Blessed Trinity.  The Muslim faith also accepts that the Prophet Mohammad received direct revelations from God Himself that became the basis of the Islamic scriptures known as the Qu'ran (Koran) and their way of faith and life.  But the Muslims do NOT see the Prophet Mohammad in any divine role, or as a divine person, or someone to be worshipped or prayed to since to them, God alone is worshipped, and to make the point clear, the Muslims do NOT see the Prophet Mohammad as God (therefore, no prayers are EVER addressed to him).  "Halal" foods are foods that follow dietary laws that are found in the Old Testament and in their Qu'ran.  The most obvious dietary law would be the prohibition of eating pork and drinking alcohol.  "Kosher" foods are foods that follow strictly the dietary laws of the Old Testament under the Old Mosaic Covenant.  Both types of dietary laws also invoke the blessing of the one God that we all believe in.  I have eaten both "kosher" and "halal" foods.  These foods have not been sacrificed in any way to a false deity, as you put it.  I continue to dine in kosher and halal restaurants with no concern about my food being "blessed" by a false god.  Both kosher and halal foods have been blessed in the name of the one God that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in.  And I will continue to support these Muslim and Jewish food businesses with a clear conscience knowing that we all have something in common:  the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Praise God!  It is my love for Jesus Christ as Lord that impels me not to be concerned about "kosher" and "halal" foods.  For you see, their worship of our one God also includes, without them acknowledging it, the worship of Jesus and the Holy Spirit!  By dining at their establishments, I show that I too worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  - CatholicView Priest Staff 

"Can I marry even though I am impotent
because of a serious accident?  - Mike

Priest Staff:

I'm very confused. I'm a 21 year old impotent man. I was left impotent (with nothing down there) in a car crash in 2010 that also took my left leg. I recently proposed to my girlfriend of 4 years who has been with me through the process of my injury and I want to get married in the Catholic Church but after reading into it some I've heard that the church will not let me marry because of my impotence. If this is true I will be devastated. This injury has already taken so much from me I don't think I could handle not being able to marry this girl I love her so much. there were days when my injury was newer where I contemplated suicide because I felt as if I wasn't a man anymore but she helped me through it and I just want to spend my life with her. I'm a Catholic from birth and try my best to stay faithful but if I'm unable to marry I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. Is there any way I can marry in the church? I'm pretty depressed and torn up about this. - Mike



Your accident and its consequences are quite a challenge for you.  I know that you will overcome any challenge and obstacle that stands in your way to a happy and fulfilled life.  You are correct in stating that permanent impotence is an impediment to a sacramental marriage in the Church.  With that said, the Church is not closed to the call of marriage given to those who might not be able to fulfill the requirements of a sacramental marriage being both unitive (the binding of two people, two souls, into one in love) and procreative (the making of family and children).  In regards to your disability, dispensations from various impediments of marriage can be granted.  These kinds of dispensations are given by the bishop of your diocese.  Please talk to your parish priest about this matter.  You did say something I would like to address.  You stated that "I felt as if I wasn't a man anymore."  Manhood is not identified or defined by one's sexual abilities.  Manhood is defined by one's character.  My models for manhood are not based on sexual abilities but on what they have done to make my life and the lives of others better.  You are a man by God's design, and you are a man always despite your particular situation.  Your fiancee has made you aware of your dignity as a human being and as a man of character.  Always keep your focus on that!  No matter what, you are in control of your destiny, so work with what you have with a positive attitude. 

You are being called to be a blessing for others and a source of inspiration to those around you who need your testimony of believing in God no matter what.  You are certainly blessed on having the fiancee that you have!  She is certainly God's gift to you.  So, go forward, talk to your parish priest, and be thankful for all things! -
CatholicView Priest Staff

"I baptized my grandchild.  Is this valid?" - Wanda

Priest Staff:

My daughter would not baptize her child. I took holy water and made the sign of the cross on her forehead and said/ or thought (she was asleep) I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Now she is talking about having the child baptized in the Church. Is it allowed?  - Wanda


Your attempt at baptism without the child's parents' permission is not acceptable.  The baptism as you have stated is not valid.  There has to be parents and sponsors (godparents) present at such a baptismal ceremony.  Emergency baptism, done at the danger of immediate death, is the exception to this rule.  In an emergency baptism, any Christian may baptize.  So, even though you attempted to baptize your grandchild, this attempt was not considered a baptism of emergency (which means that the danger of immediate death is present), so therefore your "baptism" is not recognized or accepted by the Church. 

Your daughter wants to baptize her child in the church.  This is allowed no matter what you may have done.  Your prayers and blessings with holy water was effective, though.  Your grandchild was surrounded and protected by God Himself.  And the Lord understands (and rejoices in) your love for your grandchild and the concerns you have about her spiritual welfare.  For that, God will bless you richly!  - CatholicView Priest Staff

"Does the Roman Catholic Church recognize
the Greek Orthodox Church?" - Sue


CatholicView Priest Staff:

My brother in law and I disagreed on this question. I was always taught that while we accept the Russian byzantine Church that we don't recognize the Greek Orthodox Church. He says that it is accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. I can't seem to find a straight answer online. - Sue



The Roman Catholic Church, whose universal pastor is the Bishop of Rome (the pope) and successor of Saint Peter, the chief of apostles, recognizes the validity of all sacraments and the divine liturgy (the Mass and Holy Eucharist) of the Orthodox Eastern Churches, whose ecumenical patriarch (pastor) is the Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), the successor of Saint Andrew, Peter's brother!  The Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church have been separate since 1054 AD.  Both communions have kept the apostolic succession completely intact without any break.  There are Eastern Churches in union with the See of Rome and they constitute the Catholic Church as a whole.  These Eastern Churches, unlike their Orthodox brethren, are in union with the Bishop of Rome, the pope, as universal pastor of the Catholic Church (please see this link for more information about Eastern Catholic Churches in union with the See of Rome: ).  So, simply put, the Catholic Church recognizes all Orthodox Churches in union with the Patriarch of Constantinople. - CatholicView Priest Staff 

"Can Extreme Unction be received
more than once?" - Bob


CatholicView Priest Staff:

I thought I was taught that Extreme Unction could only be received once and only once in a lifetime. However in a secular radio discussion about the assassination of John Kennedy, it was stated that "he had even received the late rites of the Catholic Church 4 times". I would be grateful for clarification. Many thanks. - Bob


I do not know where you received this instruction that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (also called Extreme Unction) can only be received once in a lifetime.  This is untrue.  Sadly, you have been misinformed.  The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be received as often as the person needs it.  This sacrament is defined as doctrine in the New Testament in the Letter of James, Chapter 5, Verses 13 through 16:  Is anyone among you suffering?  He should pray.  Is anyone in good spirits?  He should sing praise.  Is anyone among you sick?  He should summon the presbyters [priests] of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up.  If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. 

No where in scripture does it state that this sacrament of anointing (extreme unction) can only be received once.  I myself have received this beautiful sacrament many times, more recently when I went in for an emergency surgery.  A priest friend of mine anointed me before surgery, and then, after surgery was completed, anointed me again with this sacrament.  I am sure that I am healthy now because of God's power in this sacrament.  - CatholicView Priest Staff  

"How can I find out if I have grounds for an
annulment?"  -  Anony


CatholicView Priest Staff:

I have tried contacting my parish priests a few times now but they do not return my calls. I entered my marriage treating it as a sacramental marriage; my husband however has continued to go to strip clubs, engage in explicit chat rooms, and now is having an online affair and I believe having a physical relationship with that woman when he is in the same vicinity as her. He has also stolen from me and lies to my face over the littlest things.  For 16 years I have forgiven over and over again. Is it wrong of me to want to give up?  Or should I continue to forgive and look the other way to keep him happy? We have no children - one of the many lies he told me is that he wanted children, but when it is time to step up, he always has an excuse to not be in an intimate relationship with me. Thank you. - Anony



I am so sorry to hear that you have been in a marriage that has not been a source of life and love for you, and did not fulfill your desire for children.  Even though you have tried to fulfill your sacramental marriage vows, your husband has not from the beginning of your marriage.  Yes, you do have grounds for an invalid marriage.  Since your parish priests have not been able to get together with you, please call your diocesan offices and ask for the marriage tribunal.  There, you will certainly find someone to help you navigate the process of an ecclesiastical decree of  nullity of your marriage.  But I must tell you, the annulment process CANNOT begin until a final decree of civil divorce is presented to the marriage tribunal.  I suppose that your parish priests may not been able to help you with the annulment process until your divorce is final.  Your question sounds like that you haven't even started the divorce proceedings.  If you haven't started the divorce proceedings, the process for an ecclesiastical decree of annulment cannot begin.  You need to be divorced before an annulment can be granted.  May the Spirit of God give you strength as you seek your own happiness and fulfillment.  - CatholicView Priest Staff

"How do I know when I have given enough
time and money to the poor?" - Maureen


CatholicView Priest Staff:

I am tormented by the question "How do I know that I have given enough?" I give time and money to help the poor. But I still live a comfortable life. There are so many suffering people in the world. What am I responsible for? When can I say I have done all that I can do?  - Maureen



There is nothing wrong or sinful in being financially successful.  I know that you give thanks each day for your many blessings.  And I praise God that you have given back to the needy through your donations and time.  You and I cannot solve all the problems that cause poverty and need.  But I also recognize the need for some people to be doing something with their hands to make a difference.  You are fulfilling Jesus' command to love your neighbors, no matter who they are.  If you feel that you need to do more, then please, get involved in an organization that meets your expectations of aid to those in need and meets your expressions of your Christ-like principles.  Once again, there is nothing wrong or sinful in living a comfortable life.  You are blest.  And share your blessings with your time and resources.  You and I cannot do everything.  But we can do some things, and when you do, you are fulfilling God's Will.  - CatholicView Priest Staff

"I divorced my wife 10 years ago because she dated
other men.  How can I become Catholic?" - Greg

CatholicView Priest Staff:

Hi. I am a 56 year-old divorced Protestant man. I divorced my Protestant ex-wife because she was 'engaged' to another man whom she met in jail, and she put her intentions to marry him in writing. After our divorce, I tried twice to reunite with her, and both times she said 'no'.  I am planning to convert to the Catholic Church soon, and I'm concerned that I will not be allowed to convert because I'm divorced. Also I fear that any future marriage to a Catholic woman would be impossible, again because of my divorce. I live in Texas, and I don't think an annulment is possible for me, despite the fact that I was unaware of my ex-wife's drug problems when I married her. I did love her and try to re-unite, but she is dating other men and has no interest. It's been 10 years since the divorce. Thank you. - Greg



I am sorry to hear of your troubles with your marriage in the past.  But what is important now is the present!  Today is what is real.  You have described a marriage that was deficient not on your part, but on your wife's part.  Being divorced doesn't mean that you cannot be a Catholic, and accepting full communion with the Catholic Church doesn't mean that you cannot be married to a Catholic woman in the future.  The New Testament gives you "an out" so to speak.  The Church calls this "way out" the Pauline Privilege (and its "cousin", the Petrine Privilege). 

Here is the scripture verse in question:  I Corinthians, Chapter 7, Verses 12 through 15:  To the rest, I say [not the Lord]:  if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she is willing to go on living with him, he should not divorce her; and if any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he is willing to go on living with her, she should not divorce her husband.....if the unbeliever separates, however, let him separate.  The brother or sister is not bound in such cases; God has called you to peace.  

Saint Paul says that it is better for believers to be bound to believers in marriage!  So, the Church would dissolve your previous marriage when if you should decide to marry again to a Catholic woman.  In your case, since both of you were baptized Christians, you would be granted a Petrine Privilege (a new Catholic already baptized in a Christian denomination marrying another Catholic).  Here is a link from the diocese of Toledo, Ohio, explaining the canon law concerning the Pauline (and Petrine) privilege in regards to previous marriages:

Please bring this answer to your parish priest when you have an interview about your desire to be a Catholic.   It will help your discussions! - CatholicView Priest Staff 

"I want to sell my business to the Church. 
Who can I talk to about this?"  - Randy

CatholicView Priest Staff:

I am getting older and need to get my business in order. I have ask the Church to purchase my business at a good price. This will help the church make money and will also help my family. I have not received any positive replies. Who in the Church can I talk to get help with this.  -  Randy



Thank you for thinking of the Church in your preparations of your Will and Testament.  Sadly, the Church CANNOT purchase your business.  We cannot do that.  If you wish to give your business to the Church, then you can discuss this with your lawyer.   But as to purchasing a business, we are forbidden by canon law to do so.  We cannot buy commercial enterprises. - CatholicView Priest Staff

"My father committed murder then suicide.  A Christian
from another Church said Satan has a hold on me. 
Is this possible?" - Christie


CatholicView Priest Staff:

My father committed murder and then suicide, I was told by a angry person claiming to be a Christian that I am wasting my time going to church that Satan has a hold on my Soul through my Dad - Is this possible?  - Christie



Sometimes, certain questions evoke an angry response within me.  And I am angry.  But I am not angry about your question.  I am angry at the stupidity of what you have been told about your father's acts and your relationship with your father.  Who is that person to judge what drove your father to murder and suicide?  And does that person think that they are Jesus Christ, the Judge of all?  Satan has no hold on you.  You do not take on the guilt of your father's acts.  Your father did these acts out of his inexplicable mind.  You belong to Christ through your baptism and your affirmation and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Being in church is your right as a Christian.  And let me tell you something more:  I don't know if Satan has a hold on your father's soul.  I leave that up to God.  I am not judge or jury of anyone's eternal salvation.  It is NOT possible for Satan to have a hold on your "soul" because of your father's murderous acts.  You stand before God as your own person.  I am so sorry to hear of the burdens that your father's acts have placed upon you and your family.  But please be assured of this:  Jesus holds you ALWAYS in His loving embrace.  No matter what!  Be at peace.  You are loved by Him infinitely!  Alleluia!  - CatholicView Priest Staff 

"What role did Jesus, as Creator of all things visible,
 play in Mary's conception?" - Casey

CatholicView Priest Staff:

Colossians 1:12-16 in the Catholic Public Domain Version reads: "He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of every creature. For in Him was created everything in heaven and on earth, visible invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers. All things were created through Him and in Him."

My questions are what role did Jesus, as creator of all things visible, play in Mary's conception?  Did he in some manner create himself and what can this tell us about the trinity, Jesus, and the virgin birth? - Casey



God created all things, visible and invisible, through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus created His mother, Mary.  He created her free from sin (the Immaculate Conception).  He created her to be His temple, so to speak, to hold His divinity and humanity.  Jesus did not create Himself, as you stated.  Instead, Jesus took human form within the body of Mary by the Holy Spirit.   The Trinity, God Himself, was totally involved in the conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary.  The virgin birth implies that this act of God entering the world and humanity was truly an act of God, not an act of humanity, though it took human free decision to make it all happen (because God cannot force any human being to do anything).  Mary freely said YES to God's Will and by doing so, accepted her part in the salvation of all who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. - CatholicView Priest Staff 

"I got civilly divorced and now want to be
remarried.  What steps should I take?"
- Rich

CatholicView Priest Staff:

I was married to my wife in the RC Church.  Got a divorce from the gov.   Neither of us have been with anyone else.  Question, can we just go to a judge to have it legally registered again?   Should we go to a priest.   Would that be something along the lines of renewing vows. Thanks for you time



Your civil divorce is recognized by the government in regards to civil marriage laws.  To be married again, you will have to enter a civil marriage again with your "ex-wife."  And yes, I do suggest that you talk to your parish deacon or priest to renew your marriage vows, even though the Church never recognized or accepted your civil divorce. - CatholicView Priest Staff

"I am Catholic but married on the beach by a
Lutheran Minister.  I am getting a divorce.  Do I
need an annulment?" - Norbeth


CatholicView Priest Staff:

I was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church.  I got married on the beach by a Lutheran Minister.  I am now getting a divorce.  My marriage was not recognized.  Do I have to go through an annulment to get married in the Catholic Church? - Norbeth



I am so sorry that you have to go through the pain and upheaval of a divorce.  May the Lord heal your heart. As to your marriage on the beach, you are correct that the Church does not recognize your marriage as a sacramental marriage (though the Church does recognize that you got married civilly).  You do not have through a full annulment process.  Instead, you will have to go through a more simpler process called LACK OF FORM.  If you should get married in the Catholic Church, all you have to do is prove that you did not marry in the Catholic Church during your first marriage.  This is done by the showing of your original marriage certificate, the final decree of divorce and two witnesses who say that you did not marry in the Catholic Church.  Your diocesan marriage tribunal then examines these documents and judges that you have not entered a sacramental marriage as expected by the Catholic Church and are free to marry in the Church.  Here are what forms look like for the diocese of Covington, Kentucky.  Most dioceses use a form similar to this.  Please see this PDF file link: Paperwork Corrected Feb 2011. pdf

Usually, this LACK OF FORM process happens only when you are ready to marry in the Catholic Church.  There is no hurry to do this unless you have plans to marry again. 

By the way, when your divorce is final, you will be free to take in the full sacramental life of the Church, which includes communion.  I suggest strongly that before you receive Communion, that you go to confession (the Sacrament of Penance).  May the spirit of God fill your heart with peace.  - CatholicView Priest Staff

CatholicView Staff

"My father, married 3 times, wants to lie to get an
annulment so he can marry his fiancée. 
What shall I tell him?" - Theresa  

CatholicView Staff:

My 70 yr old father (not catholic) wants to marry a widowed Catholic lady. He has been married 3 times. 1st wife died, 2nd divorced, 3rd divorced. Divorce happened because he went to prison. Can he get annulment on basis he says 3rd wife had a child  before they married? fiancée won't marry without his annulment.  He is going to say he didn't know about child thinking that is grounds.  He did know and I don't approve of this lie.  However am wondering if this would be considered grounds?  I am the daughter of his 1st wife. I like his fiancée, but personally I think they will have a very stormy marriage.  -  Theresa



You are correct in saying that he must not use a lie to gain an annulment.  He should not begin this new marriage on telling untruths.  You father must be honest and explain that he was previously married three times and divorced.  The first marriage does not count unless there was a divorce between them too. 

Does his fiancée realize he has been married three times?  And does she know he has been in prison?

I suggest he make an appointment with your fiancée's parish priest and together this situation can be discussed logically.  I hope this helps. - CatholicView Staff

"I feel punished and abandoned by God. 
Why?" - Cindy


CatholicView Staff:

I have struggled with feeling punished and abandoned by God. First by a violent childhood, then a debilitating car accident and then my father's suicide.  Why? - Cindy



The Lord never abandons us.  Sometimes when we look at all the terrible things that happens in our lives, we begin to feel that God does not care.  This weakens our faith. 

Father Vincent Serpa (Catholic Answers Apologist) has this to say about our facing trials, accidents, suicide and even death: 

"Just look at a crucifix to see how much He values us. But He does gives us crosses in our lives. These are opportunities for us to love Him back.  In spite of all the terrible things that happen, He keeps us in existence all the time.  Each heart beat is an assurance of His concern for us. When He finally calls us home, that is an expression of His desire that we see Him.

His love is more powerful than even death.  Easter Sunday shows us that!  God doesn’t punish us with the crosses He gives us. He simply offers us the opportunity to become more loving people.  Do you think He punished the Apostles by allowing them to be martyred?  Not at all!  By being willing to shed their blood for Him, they became more holy than they had been.  And all the Christians around them became stronger in their faith as the result.  Be of faith.  The God you serve is a very loving God."

God is always with you even when you don't feel His presence.  He will NEVER abandon you.   And your guardian angel is standing by your side at this very moment.  You are loved and you are His child.  You are never abandoned.  Yes we face trials, yes, we suffer, but know that the love He has for you will never cease, and it will never die.  Please keep praying and never let go of your faith. - CatholicView Staff 

"If GOD is good, why does He let such horrible things
happen?" - Al

CatholicView Staff:

I have a problem.  If GOD is good, why does he let such horrible things happen to animals and children.  They have nobody to look after them except GOD. Why?   People do such disgusting things to poor little animals. I don't understand. -  Al



God permits evil to bring about a greater good such as drawing us closer to Christ.  All creation suffer from the effects of sin.  Things that happen like disease, things that happen to innocent little children through hateful, adult behavior, and hurting helpless animals, etc. is all caused by sin.  Because God has given free will to all, some people use that free will in cruel, terrible ways.  And yes, we all suffer from the effects of sin.  

Al, as nice or as horrible as this life may be, it is only temporary.  We are all at a way-station until God calls us home.  This does not mean that we cannot enjoy life.  Our only true hope is in the eternal promises of God.  On earth, we are to take up our cross and follow Him.  We, the servants are not greater than the Master.  If He suffered so much, then we should expect suffering in this life as well for we live in a sin filled world.

Is this hard to do?  Yes, it is.  When burdens grow heavy and  it seems that sometimes it overtakes us, seek the Lord Who promises to strengthen our faith in Him. 

There's really nothing to do about what life gives us except experience it, endure it, and seek God within it.  Thank you for your question.  May the Lord give you peace.  - CatholicView Staff

"Should I give a friend my study notes? 
She skips class. - Julia

CatholicView Staff:

My friend asked me to send her my study notes for one of our final exams but she always skips class and I worked really hard on my notes.  Is it selfish of me to not want to send them to her? What would be the right thing to do from a Catholic perspective - should I send her my notes or not? What would Jesus do? -Julia



It is not a sin to refuse giving someone your work if they have not made the sacrifice as you did to study and have their own notes.  If she has a reason for her absences you might consider sharing.  If your friend is looking for an easy way out, bring reality to her by simply saying no.  If she values her education, she must apply herself to the job.  I hope this helps.  - CatholicView Staff

"I did not marry in Church and am now divorced. 
Can I take communion? - Gwen

CatholicView Staff:

I was not married in a Catholic ceremony and now I am divorced, can I still take communion? -        Gwen



A divorced Catholic who lives a chaste life, is unmarried, and has not received an annulment can usually receive communion.   And this is true even if the divorced Catholic's spouse has remarried.  You will not be sinning by receiving communion.

However, I would advise that you discuss your situation with your parish priest before deciding to receive communion.  He will talk to you and answer all your questions in full or refer your question to the diocese's marriage tribunal.  - CatholicView Staff

"My boyfriend is not a USA citizen.  We need to marry to
keep him here.  Can we marry civilly later in the
Church?"  - Mary

CatholicView Staff:

I have fallen in love with a man who is not a citizen. In order to keep him here in the US, we would need to marry within a month or two. Is it ok to marry quietly at City Hall and then take our time at a later date to do the Pre-Cana classes and plan a traditional ceremony? We are both serious practicing Catholics.  Mary



As you know, if you marry civilly, this is not recognized by the Catholic Church as a sacramental marriage.  If you do go ahead with your plan of marrying civilly since your fiancé is not a citizen and is under the pressure of deportation, you CAN marry civilly, but until you have your civil marriage within the Catholic Church, you must refrain from intimate activity until you marry in the Church.

I hope all goes well.  Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!  - CatholicView Staff

"My daughter is not Catholic but her fiancé is. 
Can they marry in an outdoor setting? - Beth


CatholicView Staff:

My daughter is not Catholic but her husband to be is, My daughter would like to know if a Catholic priest can marry them in a out door setting. Can please help?  Beth


Dear Beth:

Catholic marriage must be within the Catholic Church because this is a sacred rite. 

A couple that marries in a Catholic church is demonstrating that their faith is part of their new life together from the beginning.  In the Sacrament of Marriage, a baptized Catholic exchanges vows with the spouse to be.   Before Almighty God, they promise to each other a love that is faithful, permanent, exclusive, self-sacrificing and life-giving. therefore, the celebration of the marriage rightfully ought to be within the Church.  - CatholicView Staff

"I have a fibroid tumor and my doctor told me to have a
hysterectomy.  Is this a mortal sin?" - Robyn

CatholicView Staff:

I have a fibroid tumor the size of a 4-1/2 month old baby which is squishing my organs up and my bladder flat giving me bad bladder issues.  The tumor has grown a lot in the 9 months since it was discovered.  I was told by 2 gynecologists that I need a hysterectomy.  I have catholic friends who feel different.  Is it a mortal sin to have the hysterectomy. - Robyn


 I am so sorry that you are suffering because of large fibroids.  Although common in women in childbearing age, some fibroids can cause major health problems, such as in your case.  Know that because of the enormity of  your situation, you must do as your two doctors have advised.

Fibroids can be very painful, especially if they press on internal organs, which causes heavy bleeding, as well as other health issues.  Some Fibroid can be treated, depending on the size and location.  In your case, it appears that the last and only resort is possibly removing the uterus (hysterectomy).

Keep in mind that your family needs you, alive and well.  Our God Who sees all things, knows what is happening to you, knows that this surgery is not by choice, but is something you must do to protect your life.  You are not having this surgery because you do not want children; it is a means to a healthy, productive life with family.

Do not allow friends who may mean well to decide for you.  You must follow your Doctors' advice.  Also know that you are not sinning in this case.  This surgery is recommended.  If you are still unsure, please talk to your parish priest.  He will assure that you are not committing a sin and will pray with you.  I hope this helps.  Be at peace. - CatholicView Staff

"I did not know using a Ouija was a sin as a 
young child.  Should I worry? -  Laura  

CatholicView Staff:

I used an Ouija board when I was a child. I was about 10 years old. I was not aware at the time that it was a sin. Although this was  quite a long time ago, I get worried that a demon may have made its way into my body without me knowing. what should I do? Should I not worry? do I need to go to confession?  - Laura


Please be at peace and realize that you were a young child playing a game which seems innocent.

God is not looking at your past happenings as a child because He is looking at how you are living as an adult.  Satan cannot steal your soul.  Know that our heavenly Father see everything.  He sees your sorrow for what you did as a child. 

Go to confession and talk to your parish priest about your concerns. 

And remember,  you belong to God and Satan cannot touch your soul.  Please know this.  May the Lord give you peace.  - CatholicView Staff

"As a child I said I would sell my soul to the
Devil to play guitar like Randy Rhoads.  If I give
up playing would my soul be safe?"- Glenn

CatholicView Staff:

When I was 15 yrs old (after Confirmation), I said that I would sell my soul to the devil to be able to play guitar like Randy Rhoads (a popular rock guitarist at the time). Before and after that time I've always had a strong obsession and desire for rock music and guitar playing but I've never progressed very far in learning the guitar. Should I give up playing the guitar to keep my soul safe? - Glenn


If you are a Christian Catholic your soul has already been bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  If you are living a Christian life, your soul belongs to God.

Selling one’s soul means that, as an adult, you are living a lifestyle that is not Christian and you may lose eternity by going your own way, and in the process offering  your soul to Satan in exchange for earthly fame, thus losing faith and salvation.  Remember, we are all Satan's children unless we are redeemed by Christ. 

You did not sell your soul.  You were young and immature; I think you know this as an adult.   Do not let Satan keep taunting you.  He has no power over you.  Move forward in the mighty name of Christ. You soul is safe in the hands of God through your acceptance of His Son Who paid for your salvation.  Keep praying so that you grow strong in the faith.  Bypass all temptations.  Go in peace and continue on God's path. CatholicView Staff

"I am plagued with desires of my past life. 
How can I leave it all behind?" - Doug

CatholicView Staff:

I ask for your prayers.   I recently had a question posted on your website.   I have worked to become closer to God and the Catholic Church. I go to confession now and truly love going to church. I am plagued however with the desires of my past life. An open marriage and adulterous sex.   I pray for guidance and strength. Does if ever get easier to leave it all behind? - Doug



Please know that it is Satan trying to lure you back into your past.  But, yes, it does become easier as you become stronger in the faith.  Ask for God's mighty strength to still Satan's voice.  Talk to your priest and have him pray for you.  When Satan tries to bring temptation into your life, call on the Lord and keep moving forward. 

You see, Satan is not happy with you right now.  You have left his earthly traps which will cost you eternity.  You now belong to the Lord Who wants you to someday come home to a forever, happy existence.  An eternal existence.  Keep praying!  God be with you.  - CatholicView  Staff 

"How can I resist the desire to look at
beautiful women? - John


CatholicView Staff:

I found your page using Google. I am struggling with something and need your help. I am making progress and feeling stronger. I developed this method of saying, "No power!" to these images, and it works very well, but I want to be completely free, and I believe it can be done. Without further adieu:

Please tell me how to completely resist the attraction of beautiful women and how to completely overcome the desire to look at bikini models, etc.  Thank you. God bless you.  John



Stay close to Jesus Christ Who walks this path with you, loving you, wanting you to live one day in His eternal Kingdom.  Keep praying for the peace only God can give you.  If you are married, enjoy the blessing of your marriage; if you are not, find that wonderful girl that God has created just for you.  And know that temptation can be avoided by just turning and walking away.  And say prayerfully to yourself, "I will not let you win, Satan".

Talk to a minister or a priest.  Then you can sit and discuss your sexual weakness and hear answers.  God bless you, John.  Please go in peace and keep praying.  - CatholicView Staff

"I have nightmares about demons.  Why do I
keep having these dreams?" - Rebecca

CatholicView Staff:

I keep having nightmares about what I think is demons. I am not a bad person. Why do I keep having these dreams. sincerely -don't sleep anymore. - Rebecca



I am sorry to hear that you are unable to sleep because of your nightmares.

Do you pray?  Are you a Christian? 

I would strongly pray to God, asking Him to remove these dreams from you.  Read your bible before you go to sleep.  Keep it on the little table next to your bed.  If the nightmares wake you, reach over and pick up your bible and read a passage.  Here is a prayer you might want to pray:

"Holy Father in Heaven, Beloved Jesus, protect me with the power of Your Spirit and your Holy Name.  Let me lie down and sleep in peace, knowing I am safe in the arms of your Precious Son, Jesus Christ.  Let me feel Your Mighty Presence in my life.  I know that You are greater than any evil in this world, because You are mightier than any and all evil.  Fill my home with peace, and as I lay my head down each night, send Your angels to watch over me.  Let me feel the peace only you can give.  Touch every inch of my home with Your presence. I  ask this in the mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ."

Believe that there is a living and a watchful God.  Know that He will be there for youAlways!  - CatholicView Staff

"If someone stole from you and they leave something
valuable in your care, should you keep it?" John


CatholicView Staff:

If someone has stolen from you, and you know this for a fact, and they leave a valuable possession in your care that is of less value than what they stole, are you justified in keeping it for your own as partial repayment for the theft?  - John



Sadly, two wrongs won't make things right.  If you steal from the person "you think" stole from you, what does that make you?  Move forward now and don't add this sin of stealing to your soul.  Let God handle this, and move on as a Christian Catholic without the sin of stealing on you.  Hope this helps you.  - CatholicView Staff

"When forced to travel on the weekends, is it a sin to
 miss mass in these circumstances?" - Patrick

CatholicView Staff:

I am a faithful attendee at Sunday mass. I am now doing group travel abroad frequently since I have retired. Many times I am forced to travel on the weekend and it is either not possible to attend mass due to transportation scheduling or there simply are not Roman Catholic churches nearby.  Is it a sin for me to miss under these circumstances? Can I attend on another occasion when I return from the trip. Thank you and God Bless.  - Patrick



How wonderful it is that you travelling abroad.  In your case, here is something you can do to honor your commitment to the Lord.  Choose an hour on the Sabbath and read your bible.  Meditate on what you have read.  Do all this in a quiet place, giving back to God this time, energy, in grateful thanks for all He has done for you.

Enjoy your travel.  Come back rested and safe.  May God bless your travels.  - CatholicView Staff


"When I painted a portrait of the Virgin de
Guadalupe, the image of Jesus appeared over
the image.  What shall I do?" - Richard

CatholicView Staff:

While painting a portrait of the Virgin de Guadalupe, the image of Jesus Christ appeared the next day over the image of the Virgin.. what am I to do with this "miracle" art work.



CatholicView does not interpret such happenings.  Please bring this work to your parish priest who can give you an answer about where you should bring this special and important portrait.   May the Lord bless you. -  CatholicView Staff

"I experience strange activity in my apartment. 
What should I do?" - Victoria

CatholicView Staff:

I have been experiencing strange activity in my apartment. From doors opening to dreams of possession. What should I do? Please help. - Victoria



I am sorry to hear of these strange happenings occurring in your apartment. 

I am going to suggest that you have your parish priest come to bless your apartment.  I would also strongly suggest that you pray and ask God to take away these signs of unrest in your home.  And keep a bible near your bed for reading before you go to sleep.  May the Lord bless you and your apartment and give you peace.  - CatholicView Staff

"I have been set up for fraud.  I don't
know what to do.  - Jackie

CatholicView Staff:

I have been setup for fraud and I have never been in trouble a day in my life.   I don't know what to do. I have a daughter and I can't leave her. I guess I just want to have faith to believe that God will not let a innocent person go to jail or have any thing on her record. - Jackie



I am so sorry to hear of your plight.  Can you afford a lawyer for this situation you are in?  Do you have family members who could help?

Please keep praying that the Lord Who sees all will change this awful happenings for you.  Here is a prayer for you:

"Heavenly Father , You are bigger than all the problems I am facing right now.  You were always there and you have enabled me to overcome the many setbacks and adversities of life that came to my door.  I will trust in your goodness and provision during this time of serious trouble that I am facing, for I know You are a God who hears all prayers.  If it is Your Will, please come to my aid out of the abundance of eternal love You have for us.  I will trust in You to sustain me through this pitfall that I am facing. I ask all this in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ"

We will keep you in our prayers, Jackie.  - CatholicView Staff

"I live with my girlfriend and she was denied
communion.  Can she be refused the Eucharist?"
 - Luis

CatholicView Staff:

Can you be denied the body of Christ?  My girlfriend whom I am to marry soon and who lives with me was denied the body of Christ by a priest because we are not married yet.



Sadly you are living in a state of mortal sin and therefore cannot receive the Eucharist.  You must both clean up your life style by separating until you marry.  You both must also confess your sins by going to confession.  Unless you do these things, you cannot receive communion.

Please talk to your parish priest about this situation. - CatholicView Staff   

"My boyfriend and I once indulged in heavy kissing
and confessed this.  If we caress lightly, can we
receive communion? - Jane

CatholicView Staff:

My boyfriend and I have once been engaged in heavy kissing and romancing but we have gone to confession and now trying to set limit on our expression of love.  Can we still kiss and caress LIGHTLY and yet receive communion at mass without offending God? - Jane



Thank you for your question.  I am so happy to hear that you are trying to set a limit on your physical behavior with your boyfriend.  The key to avoid the sin of fornication is that you stop doing what you know will induce sexual arousal or desire for sexual activity.  If you and your boyfriend find yourselves inadvertently aroused, stop whatever is causing it.  This is the only way to handle this situation. 

All sexual behavior outside of marriage is a mortal sin especially if both partners have full knowledge that it is sinful and if there is a deliberate decision to do it anyway.

If there comes a time when you find that you cannot control yourselves, then you might want to seriously consider an early marriage.

As to your question about being worthy to take communion if you kiss lightly and caress:  Yes, you can as long as you do not overstep the boundaries that may cause sexual desire such as heavy and prolonged petting.  If you avoid these actions and remain free of intimate behavior, then yes, you WILL be able to accept communion.  - CatholicView Staff

Do you believe non-Catholic Christians
will go to heaven? - Mary

CatholicView Staff:

Do you believe non-Catholic Christians will go to heaven? - Mary



Before Vatican II, the Church consistently taught that only Roman Catholics had a chance to be saved and attain Heaven.  This view has changed. 

God makes His own decisions.  The key words are these:  If one believes and has faith that Jesus alone paid for our salvation, and we live the clean and faithful life that God wants us to live, we will all meet in heaven one day.

God's mercy is limitless, unending, and He will make judgment on all of us fairly. - CatholicView Staff

"My son was killed when riding his motorcycle. 
Why would God take away such an angel? - Donna

CatholicView Staff:

My son married his high school girlfriend at age 19, then joined the United States Coast Guard.  He was loving life until he was riding on his motorcycle to work and got hit by a truck, killed him instantly.  Why would God take away such an angel?  I just can't cope.  -  Donna


Dear Donna:

I am truly sorry to hear about the tragedy of your young son's death.  Have you prayed and asked the Lord for strength and courage to keep going?    

Although you cannot see it now, this feeling of tremendous loss will lessen, especially if you have other children or family to fill the void that you feel at this time.  Know that God is there with you all the way through this life of pain and sorrow.   Just remember, one day you will see your son again in glory.  Even now, he is being loved and pampered by God's angels, and is waiting for the day in the future when you will join him in heaven.  This time is not yet, though.

Here is a short prayer for you when you feel the sadness of loss:

Dear Lord, surround me with Your love and comfort me in my sorrow, for I grieve at the loss of my precious son. I am struggling to understand Your purpose.  But through it all, I know, Heavenly Father, through faith, that my way is not Your Way. 

"Please Lord, help me feel that even now my beautiful son is smiling down on me and one day I will see him again.  I beg You to take him in Your arms and welcome him into Your paradise, where there is no sorrow, no weeping nor pain, only the fullness of peace and joy with Your Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.  I ask all this in the mighty name of your Son, Jesus Christ."

Donna, always know that you are not alone for Jesus is walking with you each step that you take.  Know that one day you will be with your precious son again.  May God give you the peace that only He can give.  -  CatholicView Staff   


"I am a non-practicing Catholic who wants to return to
Catholicism.  My Catholic boyfriend does not want
marriage, just intimacy.  What should I do?" Kathryn

CatholicView Staff:

I am a non-practicing Catholic who has been attending a Protestant church. I am dating a Catholic man (widower) and am getting an annulment. I have been praying for this man to marry me in the church and I love him deeply. However, he seems to want only a girlfriend (physical) and not a wife. He says he loves me. I don't know what to do. I want to come back to the church. He thinks marriage will take away from his adult children.


Dear Kathryn:

It is not clear if you want to return to the Catholic Church yourself or want to return because of your love for this Catholic man.  If he loves you, he would want to marry you, in spite of his grown children.  After all, he has already raised them to adulthood and they have lives of their own. 

From your email to us, you are both living in serious mortal sin and this man has not made any kind of commitment to you.  This is not love, this is selfish behavior.  He is using you. What is more important?  This man who proclaims his love for you but does not want to marry you?

Take a look at your options, as well as his options.  As a Catholic, he is living in mortal sin.  If you both die in this sin, you will both lose your souls.  Do you want this? 

This life is not promised to you.  So get yourself together and move on.  God has a plan for your life and He wants to give it to you.  Pray and ask God to strengthen and help you to move ahead with your life.  Think hard, Kathryn, and know that God wants the best for you.   - CatholicView Staff



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